Belgium, Lithuania, Romania and Spain will host the event, which was originally scheduled for spring 2021 but was postponed due to the global pandemic that has hit us all. Join us in the autumn for a sneak peek of an innovative toolbox designed specifically for primary school teachers!
During the event, teachers will have access to theoretical knowledge on design thinking and practical hands-on activities. It will allow teachers to better understand and taste how design thinking could be applied in their classroom. D-TIPS project is aimed at promoting design thinking in primary education, thus all examples and activities will be tailored to specific primary school teacher needs.
Are you curious about new innovative methods which could help you build more inclusive and engaging learning? Or after pandemic and online learning, do you need fresh ideas on how to bounce back with double power? Or maybe you are just keen to learn and experience something different? Then this event is for you!
There are 4 events planned for autumn. Each will be held in a different country in the local language. Belgium (French), Lithuania (Lithuanian) and Spain (Catalan) events are planned to be held face to face and Romania (Romanian) is planning to have an event online. These details might change in accordance with the health situation in each country.
The exact dates of the events will be announced in early September, but if you want to be the first to know you can directly contact organisers of each event or follow their FB page:
Belgium - Selam Mebrahtu K.M selam@strategicdesignscenarios.net or FB page or Twitter
Lithuania - Arminas Varanauskas arminas@zef.lt or FB page
Romania - Helen Rogers helen@newschool.me or Newschool FB page or Teach for Romania FB page
Spain - Patricia Santos Rodriguez patricia.santos@upf.edu (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, TIDE research group).
